Thursday, June 16, 2011

R!P: a rem!x man!f3st0

        After watching RIP: A Remix Manifesto, it gave me a new perspective of all the new genres of music being developed in this day and age. I think that with the growth of MySpace and other music blogging websites, the music industry has changed a lot. Before the rapid inflation of the internet, music was bought as either a C.D a Cassette or in Vinyl form. With mp3 downloads and burned CD's we are now accepting a much lower quality of music to listen to compared to how music used to be. Blogging sites and MySpace may be partially to blame because of the lack in quality in new music, however they are also responsible for allowing us to share our music and helps people in bands spread their music around the world, gaining popularity and usually after that comes money. It is much easier to become a musician nowadays but I think when it comes to being a successful musician, it has only become more difficult. With so many people sharing their music on the internet it is more prone to criticism and competition from other bands and artists. A good example of this competition is Youtube, there are over 120,000,000 videos up, with a great majority of them being music videos, now with all those videos there have to be some that are similar and out of those two one that is better than the other. This can easily be seen in DJ’s on Youtube. Some specific DJ’s that come to mind are: one of the better DJ’s on Youtube today.
Compared to: which is also good, yet quite similar to Bassnectar and less popular.